In 2024, we pledged to donate $1 for every
Old Fashioned sold to support bar and
restaurant workers in need. Thanks to you,
we were able to give $25,000 to the
Bartenders Benevolent Fund.
Mix an
old fashioned
Bring out your best all year long by
learning to mix this classic Bourbon
cocktail at home.
In 1789, the Rev. Elijah Craig became first to char
oak barrels to make Bourbon. Less than 20 years
later, the Old Fashioned was born. Discover the
origins of the world’s first classic cocktail with the
Father of Bourbon.
The Old Fashioned was originally known
as "the whiskey cocktail" and considered
"matutinal"; that is, it was generally
consumed in the morning.
1862 The Cocktail, Defined
Jerry Thomas's book, "The Bar-Tender's Guide," describes the whiskey cocktail as "a couple dashes of Boker's bitters, twice as many dashes of gum syrup, and a ‘wine glass' of whiskey."
1880s Name Comes Into Fashion
After years of cocktail experimentation and permutation, calls for a return to "old-style drinking" give rise to the name "Old Fashioned." The term is widely adopted.
1930s Muddled Fruit Addition
Fruit becomes widely used as an ingredient versus a garnish. A 1936 New York Times letter to the editor claims the trend began during Prohibition, "to disguise the horrible taste of terrible liquor."
2010 Returning to Its Roots
Most of the country's top bartenders shun the use of fruit in their Old Fashioned cocktails, using an orange swath or brandied cherry for garnish only.
2019 Recognizing the Greatness Within
Drinks International recognizes the Old Fashioned as the World's #1 Classic Cocktail for the fifth year in a row.
2020 Celebrating the Old Fashioned
Elijah Craig host their first annual Old Fashioned Week®. The event raises $100,000 to support bar & restaurant workers' affected by COVID-19.